Hello and welcome to Perky's Corner!

This website is going to by my little nest on the internet. I hope to present interesting things like tutorials and links to thinks I find interesting.

Want something to do? Down at the bottom I've got a list of things to see at this website! If you want to know my mission with this page, I've got a little three point statement on that as well.

My Mission Statement

  1. Try and bring back the spirit of the old internet, where average people put up extraordinary things in their own little corner of the web
    free of massive corporations trying to be friendly in an effort to hoover up information to sell off.
  2. To that effort, put up things that interest me in the hope you find them interesting as well.
  3. Have fun!

Now I'm going to waddle off to brush up on my HTML and keep getting things put up here!

African penguin walking

Image courtsey of Jean van der Meulen through https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-and-white-penguin-walking-on-sand-2078474/

Things to See Here

All photos are either mine or free for use through Creative Commons or other such licensing.